glost[ɡlɔst]n. 釉;上釉的瓷器
glost 鉛釉藥;glost firing 釉燒;glost kiln 釉窯;glost-fired 燒釉固定;glost-fire 釉燒;
1.The paper also presents the relationship between structures of different kinds of glost-colours formed in the course of firing and the amount of dissolved lead. 並對不同釉彩的陶瓷製品在燒成過程中形成的不同結構與鉛溶出量的關係作了一定的探討。
2.Nearby the bathtub may be a scar countless old table, on the table is like bowl-shaped representative accomplishment of the modern glost firing technology white porcelain bowl; 浴缸旁邊可以是一張傷痕纍纍的舊桌子,桌子上是如碗狀的代表著現代燒釉技術之大成的白色瓷盆;
3."Jinbiao" CMC be used as flowing control matter in ceramics glost substitute, which has the performance of retain glost substitute, to prevent it from getting to tear cicatrice before cooking finish. 「金標」CMC在陶瓷釉料中加入作為一種流動控制劑,它具有持留釉料的性能,以防止釉料在燒成之前脫落成淚痕。