slide rule sliding rule sliding scale slipstick 計算尺;slide rule sliding rule sliding scale slipstick 計算尺;folding wooden rule wooden folding rule 木折尺;folding wooden rule wooden folding rule 木折尺;folding pocket measure folding rule zigzag rule 折尺;
1.Skopos rule, coherence rule and loyalty rule are translation principles, with slopes rule being the top-rank principle, coherence rule and loyalty rule subordinate to it. 廣告翻譯受到目的原則、連貫原則和忠誠原則的指導,其中,目的原則為最高原則,連貫原則和忠誠原則服從於目的原則。
2.It is emphasis on contravariance rule, covariance rule and closed-behavior rule that generic-special relation must abide in this paper. 本文重點研究了建立一般-特殊關係所必須服從的抗變性、協變形原則和閉合行為原則。
3.The American related offshore oil mining prohibition rule altogether has two; first, The US government promulgation administrative prohibition rule; first, Congress's legal prohibition rule. 美國有關近海石油開採禁令共有兩個,一是美國政府頒布的行政禁令,一是國會的法律禁令。
4.In rule definition, DM3-ADB adds temporal event, supports compound event operators, and uses DM_SQL block to define rule action, which enhances rule expression capacity greatly. 在規則定義中,DM3-ADB加入了時間事件,引入了復合事件運算符,採用DM_SQL語句塊定義動作,大大增強了規則的表達能力。
5.Initial rules are got from samples and every rule becomes a neuron of the rule layer. How fuzzification layer and rule layer connect with each other is determined by the rules. 由樣本獲取的初始規則確定規則層神經元個數,並確立模糊化層與規則層之間的連接。
No rule without an exception. - 沒有一條規則沒有例外。
There is no general rule without some exception. - 普遍規律必有例外。
「I wish I'd known about that rule earlier, she said. - 「我要是早點知道這個規矩就好了!」她說。
and there is a very firm rule that the bank has no right or authority to pay out a customer's money on a cheque on which its customer's signature has been forged. - 銀行沒有任何權利或理由把儲戶的錢讓偽造儲戶簽名的支票取走。
In that first glorious hour, the mighty Vasa , which was intended to rule the Baltic, - 就這樣,想要統治波羅的海的大型戰艦"瓦薩號,在它壯麗的起航時刻,
The golden rule here is spread your risk -- - 分散你的投資風險。
Finally, he demanded an end to the British rule over India and independence for his country. - 最後,他要求結束英國對印度的統治,為他的祖國爭取獨立。
rule of the expected confinement date - 分娩日期規律
rule of ogino-knaus; rule of oginoknaus - 奧-瑙二氏規律
rule of similarity - 相似規則
rule of thumb - 經驗法則
n. steel rule dies - 鋼刻度尺模
n. steel rule dies - 鋼尺模
n. steel rule dies - 鋼尺模具
反規性散光 - astigmatism against the rule
先天性障害乳兒保護法 - Baby Doe rule
n.生物源的異戊二烯法則 - biogenetic isoprene rule
n.玻爾頻率規則 - bohr frequency rule
n.波爾頻率定則 - bohrfrequency rule
n.布丹氏規則 - budins rule
n.卡斯珀法則 - caspers rule
n.亨本規則 - chambons rule
n.手性規則 - chirality rule
n.計算規則 - computation rule
n.對易規則,轉換規則 - connutation rule
保存則式 - conservation rule formula
n.內格累氏規律 - delivery date rule
n.生態循環規律 - ecocycle rule
n.實驗的異戊二烯法則 - empirical isoprene rule
保健規律 - health rule
等長法則 - isometry rule
異戊二烯規則 - isoprene rule
n.易溶系統標準 - lyotropic series rule
n.馬爾科夫尼可夫規則 - markovnikoffs rule
n.內格累氏規律 - nageles rule
n.反常眼球震顫 - nystagmus against rule
n.運算律 - operational rule
n.定向法則 - orientation rule
n.相律 - phase rule
n.生理規律 - physiological rule
n.放射衰變規律 - radioactive decay rule
n.規律 - regular rule
n.右遞歸規劃 - right recursive rule
選擇定則 - selection rule
n.順序規則 - sequence rule
n.計算尺 - slide rule
尖叫規則 - squeal rule
表面積定律,表面法則 - surface rule
n.特魯頓定律 - troutons rule