Tetrigidae[te'tridʒədi:]n. 菱蝗科
Tetrigidae 菱蝗科;蚱科;
1.We constructed a matrix based on distribution data for Chinese Tetrigidae insects and an area cladogram using northeastern China area as an outgroup. 根據蚱科昆蟲的分佈, 構建特有性簡約性分析所需的矩陣, 以東北區作為外群, 用最大簡約法通過窮盡式搜索得到分佈區分支圖。
2.We studied patterns of distribution and relationships among distributional areas of Tetrigidae insects in China using parsimony analysis of endemism (PAE). 我們用特有性簡約性分析方法對中國蚱科昆蟲分佈格局和各分佈區之間的關係進行了探討。
3.This phenomenon is likely related to Pleistocene glacier movements. In general, Tetrigidae insect diversity was higher in southern China than northern China. 分佈區分支圖表明東北區與蒙新區比其他生物地理分佈區形成要早, 其原因我們推測可能與更新世的冰川活動有關。