n. burn mark ,burning ,sunburn ,suntanv. bite ,combust ,fire ,glow
burn[bə:n]vt. 燃燒;燒燬,灼傷;激起…的憤怒vi. 燃燒;燒燬;發熱n. 灼傷,燒傷;烙印
burn 燒傷;燃燒;灼傷;灼傷,燒傷;burn out 熄滅;燒光,燒燬…的內部;燒盡,筋疲力盡;燒燬;burn down 把…夷為平地;燒光;把---調小,拒絕;把…燒成平地;burn brides 燒橋(過河拆橋);過河拆橋;燒橋(過河拆橋);燒橋;Burn Center 燒傷中心;燙傷中心;燒傷中央;
1.Mother burned her old letters. 母親燒掉了她的舊信件。
2.Fire. We burn the place down. 咱們用火燒掉那個地方。
3.Burn the lightest clouds. 燒傷最輕的雲彩。
Did you burn yourself? - 你自己燒傷的?
Better a little fire to warm us, than a great one to burn us. - 適量的火好取暖,熊熊烈火能焚身。
Gain got by a lie will burn one's fingers. - 靠欺騙得來的利益會使自己受害。
When you come to think about it, there are only four ways you can deal with rubbish: dump it, burn it, turn it into something you can use again, attempt to produce less of it. - 傾倒、焚燒、把垃圾變成再生材料或試圖少產生一些垃圾。
I'll keep the box in the shade so that the sun doesn't burn the little plants. - 我將把盒子放在陰涼的地方,這樣太陽就不會把幼苗曬枯。
The sun will burn you if you're not careful. - 要是你不當心,太陽會把你曬黑的。
It must have been a gas that could burn but that would not explode, a gas that did not smell strong, and a gas that did not kill people. - 它一定是一種能夠燃燒而不能爆炸的氣體,一種味道不很強的而且不使人致死的氣體。
burn of breast - 乳房燒傷
thermal burn of epiglottis - 會厭熱灼傷
chemical burn of eye - 化學性眼灼傷
chemical burn of tongue - 化學性舌燒傷
chemical burn of esophagus - 化學性食管燒傷
burn of larynx by roentgen rays - 喉X線灼傷
chemical burn of larynx - 喉化學性灼傷
thermal burn of larynx - 喉熱灼傷
burn of larynx by radium - 喉鐳灼傷
radioactive burn of retina - 放射性視網膜灼傷
treatment of burn wound - 燒傷創面處理
n. burn off - 燒去
burn shock - 燒性休克
n. burn through - 燒蝕
n. burn through - 燒透
n. burn on - 焊
n. burn on - 焚燒
n. burn out - 熔斷的暗模
eye burn damage - 眼燒傷
burn by phosphorus - 磷燒傷
infra-red burn of retina - 紅外線視網膜灼傷
chemical burn of auricle - 耳郭化學灼傷
thermal burn of auricle - 耳郭熱灼傷
burn of tongue - 舌灼傷
burn of tongue - 舌燒傷
chemical burn of cornea - 角膜化學灼傷
burn of retina - 視網膜灼傷
alkaline burn of cornea - 角膜鹼性灼傷
acid burn of cornea - 角膜酸性灼傷
burn of esophagus - 食管燒傷
chemical burn of tympanic membrane - 鼓膜化學灼傷
n.酸性灼傷 - acid burn
n.角膜酸性灼傷 - acid burn of cornea
n.鹼燒傷 - alkali burn
n.角膜鹼性灼傷 - alkaline burn of cornea
n.生前燒傷 - antemortem burn
β—燃燒 - beta burn
n.擦傷 - brush burn
腐蝕性灼傷,腐蝕性燒傷 - caustic burn
n.化學性眼灼傷 - chemical burn of eye
n.喉化學性灼傷 - chemical burn of larynx
n.化學性舌燒傷 - chemical burn of tongue
n.鼓膜化學灼傷 - chemical burn of tympanic membrane
n.混凝土灼傷 - cement burn
n.化學燒傷,化學性燒傷 - chemical burn
n.耳郭化學灼傷 - chemical burn of auricle
n.角膜化學灼傷 - chemical burn of cornea
n.化學性食管燒傷 - chemical burn of esophagus
n.燒傷併發症 - complications of burn
n.混凝土灼傷 - concrete burn
n.角膜灼傷 - corneal burn
n.美容灼傷 - cosmetic burn
深度燒傷 - deep burn
電灼傷,電燒傷 - electric burn
電氣火傷 - electric burn injury
電燒傷,電灼傷 - electrical burn
n.燒急症處理 - emergency treatment of burn
n.大面積燒傷 - extensive burn
n.眼燒傷 - eye burn
n.眼燒傷 - eye burn damage
n.面部燒傷,顏面部燒傷 - facial burn
一度燒傷,一度燙傷 - first degree burn
閃光灼傷,爆傷 - flash burn
四度燒傷,四度燙傷 - fourth degree burn
n.擦傷 - friction burn
n.劍突後燒灼感,燒心 - heart burn
加熱滅菌,燙傷 - hot liquid burn
n.氫氟酸灼傷 - hydrofluoric acid burn
n.燒傷感染 - infection of burn
n.間接燒傷 - indirect burn
n.紅外線視網膜灼傷 - infra-red burn of retina
結合性激發信息制度(分流) - integrated burn information system
n.懷爐灼傷 - kangri burn
激光燒傷,激光燒灼 - laser burn
晶狀體燒傷 - lenticular burn
n.凝固汽油燒傷 - napalm burn
n.硝酸燒傷 - nitric acid burn
n.核爆炸燒傷 - nuclear explosion burn
n.死後燒傷 - postmortem burn
n.放射燒傷 - radiation burn
n.放射性視網膜灼傷 - radioactive burn of retina