capitalization attempts 獲益目標;inadequate Capitalization 資本不足;投資不足;投資不夠;capitalization and lowercase 大小寫;capitalization 資本化;資本總額;資產化;大寫;Micro capitalization 微型股;
1.Use ordinary capitalization. ALL CAPS is equivalent to shouting in email. 使用一般的寫法。所有的美團人民電子郵件中稱呼都是相等的。
2.Disallowance of interest deductions due to new thin capitalization rules effective from 1 January 200
8. 自2008年1月1日起將生效的新的資本弱化規則,可能產生對企業利息扣除的潛在限制。
3.Due to capitalization, the burden of future taxes may be borne by current owners of an inelastically supplied durable commodity such as land. 由於資本化,一種供給無彈性耐用商品(如土地)的未來稅收負擔,可能由其現在的所有者承擔。
4.Disasters certainly never rehearsals, the spirit of mutual help fellow citizens can grow in the earthquake, for writing a capitalization of China's "people". 災害肯定從不預演,互助同行的公民精神卻可以在大震中生長,為中國書寫一個大寫的「人」字。
5.Authorized but unissued stock does not carry the right and privileges of issued and is not considered in determining a company's total capitalization. 經授權但未發行的股票不能履行已發行股票的權力,並不影響公司總資本的測定。