four-stranded 四股繩;有繩芯的]四股繩;
1.The double-stranded DNA molecule is held together by four chemical components called bases. 雙鏈的DNA分子被四種化學成分聚在一起稱作基對。
2.Four-wheel vehicle overturned bus, train severely deformed more than 10 car full of passengers stranded. 大巴車四輪朝天,車廂嚴重變形,車內10多名乘客全部被困。
3.Methods Reserving deformity of ACL for the locating sign and a technique of arthroscopic reconstruction of ACL using the four-stranded hamstring tendon was used in 53 cases. 方法關節鏡下保留ACL殘端作為定位標誌物,以自體四股?繩肌腱為ACL重建替代物,應用可吸收界面螺釘固定,對53例ACL損傷病例行重建術。