hardball 硬式棒球;追夢高手;棒球教練;臨時教練;HardBall 95 硬派棒球95;Play hardball 毫不留情,猛攻;出手狠,辦事不手軟;玩硬球;不擇手段;Hardball 3 燃燒野球3;HardBall 94 硬派棒球94;
1.Our competitors are using tactics that indicate that they want to play hardball. 我們的競爭對手所用的戰術表明他們要動真格了。
2.Mr. Jones got where he is today because he always played hardball with his political adversaries. 瓊斯先生有今天的地位,是因為慣用很強硬的手段對付政敵。
3.And increasingly we feel the need to match the Republican right in stridency and hardball tactics. 並且我們漸漸地感到在尖銳和強硬策略上,有必要與共和黨的右派較量一下。
4.So the Mayor wants to play hardball, and we're getting caught in a squeeze play. 市長想要採取強硬措施,使我們陷入進退兩難的局面。
5.And increasingly we feel the need to match the Republican right in stridency and hardball tactics. 並且,我們漸漸地感到在尖銳和強硬政治策略上,有必要與共和黨的右派較量一下。