n. firebrand ,inciter ,instigant ,instigator
provoker[prəu'vəuk]vt. 對…挑釁;挑撥;煽動: 例句:to provoke a viot煽動騷亂激怒;刺激: 例句:I am not easily provoked , but his behaviour is intolerable!我這個人不易被激怒,但是他的行為讓人忍無可忍!激起;引起;誘發;挑逗: 例句:His remarks about her weight provoked her into telling him to shut up.他講到她的體重,使得她叫他閉嘴。喚起;使發生;惹;成為…的原因: 例句:Don't throw one bone to two dogs; you'll only provoke a fight.別把一根骨頭扔給兩隻狗,那會引起它們打架。近義詞: excite , stimulate變形: provoked , provoking
1.I am not easily provoked , but his behaviour is intolerable! 我這個人不易被激怒,但是他的行為讓人忍無可忍!
2.The creation, after all, is the great thought-provoker: it makes you think thoughts of God. 大自然則是最大的思想激發者:它使你思想上帝的事。
3.I cant, repeat cant say that. He had no reason to say what he said. Its always the reaction that is sanctioned and not the provoker. 我無法重覆、說出他當天所說的話,他沒有權利那樣說。被激怒的人受到制裁,而不是那個挑起衝突的人。