





ground treatment foundation treatment 地基處理;EUE Treatment system for gas generation and treatment residues 燃氣產生及處理殘餘物的處理系統;EUA Treatment system for fuel treatment residues 燃料處理殘留物的處理系統;treatment of all types of eye injuries as well as treatment of infections and tearing problems 治療包括感染和流淚等在內的眼疾;Creative treatment of actuality 對真實具創造力的處理;


1.Three biological treatment methods have been investigated, including aerobic treatment, anaerobic treatment and yeasts treatment. 試驗分別利用三種生物處理方法:好氧、厭氧及酵母菌處理方法對稠油廢水進行了處理。

2.The production process of continuous zinc electroplating for steel wire was composed of wire drawing, heat treatment, pretreatment, zinc plating aid post-treatment as well as wastewater treatment. 一切拉絲工藝條件,如壓縮率、模孔工作錐角度、冷卻潤滑、拉拔速度、潤滑劑等對冷拉後鋼絲力學性能的影響,都可以歸納為「熱量」對鋼絲的影響。

3.The effluent treatment process after renovation is "anaerobic + aerobiotic + three-stage flocculation treatment" , and is the longest and largest effluent disposal treatment system in present China. 改造後的污水處理工藝為厭氧+好氧+三級絮凝處理,是目前國內造紙行業流程最長、規模最大的污水處理工程。

4.That demonstrated that the treatment of IBS was dependable and sensitive to psychical and psychological factor. Mental nursing had evident treatment ascendancy in the treatment of IBS. 說明IBS的治療與精神心理因素有著高度的相關性和敏感性,對IBS患者進行心理護理有明顯的治療優勢,在IBS的治療和護理工作中具有一定的重要性。

5."Mode of serices"refers to ambulatory treatment, emergency treatment, hospitalization, home sickbeds, mobile medical treatment and other serices; 「服務方式」是指門診、急診、住院、家庭病床、巡診和其他方式。


feel that they have not received adequate treatment unless they are able to carry home with them some tangible remedy in the shape of a bottle of medicine, - 覺得沒算得到充分的治療,如果不能帶回一些看得見、摸得著的藥物回家的話,如一瓶藥水、

international standards of water treatment are usually followed at bottling plants. - 裝瓶廠通常遵循國際水處理的標準。

Use this treatment twice a day for a week. And another thing, at the end of the week, throw the frozen peas away. They won't be fit to eat. - 一天治療兩次,一周為一個療程。還有,一周以後要把凍豌豆扔掉。它們不能吃。


treatment by chinese herbs - 中藥治療

n. selenious acid treatment method - 亞硒酸處理方法

n. selenious acid treatment method - 亞硒酸處理法

radical treatment in resting stage - 休止期根治

therapy discontinued; therapydiscontinued; treatment discontinued; treatmentdiscontinued - 停止治療

diagnosis and treatment of internal medicine - 內科證治

water treatment plant - 淨水廠

recompression treatment table - 加壓治療表

in situ treatment of adsorbent - 吸附劑就地處理

treatment in accordance with loal conditions; treatment in accordance with local conditions - 因地制宜

treatment in accordance with seasonal conditions - 因時制宜

prevention and treatment of endemic disease - 地方病防治

urban sewage treatment plant - 城市污水處理廠

multidisciplinary treatment system - 多學科會診治療體系

treatment of industrial residue - 工業廢渣處理

usually take just one treatment to heal - 往往一次可獲得

plrinciples of treatment for war injuries - 戰傷處理原則

emergency treatment of collapse - 救脫

entire treatment period - 整個治療期間

treatment of new Chinese medicine - 新中醫療法

medicine for he treatment of cough and asthma - 止咳平喘藥

popular treatment for - 民間治法

n. treatment of cyanogen - 氰處理

chemical treatment of sewage - 污水化學處理法

reverse osmetic treatment for sewage - 污水反滲透處理法

sewage disposal plant; sewage treatment plant - 污水處理場

preventive treatment of disease - 治未病

treatment timer - 治療定時計

therapy discontinued; therapydiscontinued; treatment discontinued; treatmentdiscontinued - 治療已停

the treatment is basically the same - 治療方法基本相同

treatment table - 治療檢查台

treatment rating assessment matrix - 治療等級評定真值表

treatment plan; treatment planning - 治療計劃

urological radiography and treatment table - 泌尿科攝影治療床

reverse heat treatment giemsa band - 熱處理吉姆薩反轉帶

n. beat treatment cycle curve - 熱處理循環曲線

n. heat treatment condition - 熱處理條件

n. heat treatment defect - 熱處理缺陷

treatment of burn wound - 燒傷創面處理

emergency treatment of burn - 燒急症處理

n. spheroidizing treatment process - 球化處理法

n. spheroidizing treatment process - 球化處理過程

biological treatment station - 生物處理站

treatment of domestic sewage - 生活污水處理

sugical treatment of hyperthyroidism - 甲狀腺功能亢進外科治療

treatment response assessment method - 療效評定法

prevention and treatment of diseases - 疾病的預防和治療

skin disease prevention and treatment institute - 皮膚病防治研究所

isocentric treatment head - 等中心治療

n. beat treatment cycle curve - 脈動處理週期曲線


頓挫療法 - abortive treatment

n.輔佐療法 - accessory treatment

活動病變治療 - active lesion treatment

n.積極療法,有效治療 - active treatment

n.輔佐療法 - adjuvant treatment

n.鞏固治療,後處理 - after treatment

n.艾倫氏療法 - allens treatment

n.酸處理 - aid treatment

n.變質療法 - alterative treatment

n.門診治療 - ambulatory treatment

n.陰離子療法 - anion treatment

鎮痛療法 - analgesic treatment

n.鉤蟲病防治所站 - ancylostomal prevention and treatment center

n.再逆 - another mistake in treatment

n.驅腸蟲療法 - anthelmintic treatment

n.驅梅治療 - anti-luetic treatment

n.抗過敏治療 - antianaphylactic treatment

抗菌化學療法 - antibiotic chemical treatment

抗生物質療法 - antibiotic treatment

抗凝血藥療法 - anticoagulant treatment

抗高血壓治療 - antihypertensive treatment

n.消炎療法 - antiphlogistic treatment

n.驅梅治療 - antisyphilitic treatment

抗毒素療法 - antitoxin treatment

n.需要長期治療 - Aprolonged treatment is needed

無菌操作,無菌處置 - aseptic treatment

喘息治療 - asthma treatment

n.自家腹水療法 - autologous ascitic fluid treatment

嫌惡療法,厭惡條件反射療法 - aversion conditioning treatment

n.道塞爾氏療法 - bancels treatment

n.班廷氏療法,忌食減肥 - banting treatment

n.巴根氏療法 - bargens treatment

n.博珀提氏療法 - beauperthuys treatment

n.行為治療 - behavior treatment

n.生化處理 - biochemical treatment

n.污水生物學處理 - biological sewage treatment

n.生物處理法 - biological treatment

n.生物處理站 - biological treatment station

n.布蘭特氏療法 - brandts treatment

n.佈雷默氏療法 - brehmers treatment

n.比勞氏療法 - bulanus treatment

癌症治療 - cancer treatment

n.達-卡二氏法 - carrel treatment

n.病因治療 - carsal treatment

術後模型 - cast after treatment

術前模型 - cast before treatment

n.病因療法,治本 - causal treatment

高度先進醫療實施中心 - center for highly advanced medical treatment

化學治療,化學處理 - chemical treatment

n.污水化學處理法 - chemical treatment of sewage

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