loomagen. 織物
loomage 織物;fabric woof loomage textile weave drapery web weft 織物;
1.Zhejiang Huzhou Yilo Loomage Co. , Ltd. is situated by the Taihu lake, in the city known as the Home of Silk. 浙江湖州市宇璐紡織有限公司位於中國太湖之濱,被譽為「絲綢之府」的浙江省湖州市。
2.The system can solve the stop mark perfectly, and makes the density of weft more exactly, so the quality of the loomage can be improved. 本系統能夠較好的解決織機停車痕的問題,使織物的緯密更加精確,提高了織物的質量。
3.For improving the storage of loomage′s parameter, various data storage methods at present were analyzed and compared with each other, and a way based on USB was put forward. 為改善原有織機控制系統在提綜信息存儲方式上的不足,通過對目前各種數據存儲器的比較分析,提出了一種基於USB的存儲方式。