aquariumsn. 水族館(aquarium的複數形式);魚缸;玻璃缸
Aquariums 水族館;玻璃缸;水族館系列;Natural Aquariums 美不勝收的水族箱;Les aquariums lumineux 克萊爾的私人生活;go to the aquariums 去水族館;Aquariums and Accessories 全新魚缸;
1.In recent years however and as our karma for participation in zoos or aquariums was fulfilled upon, our souls withdrew. 不過近些年來,當我們與動物園或水族館的業力完成時,我們的靈魂將從中撤出。
2.They also spend more than a million dollars a year for fish, tanks, planes, sand, shells, food and gadgets for heating and cleaning aquariums. 他們一年花費超過一百萬美元,用於魚、魚缸、水草、沙子、貝殼、魚食,以及用於加熱和清潔養魚缸的器具。
3.Instead this is part of a program of the Wildlife Conservation Society, which operates New York City's zoos and aquariums, to keep animals healthy and happy. 這實際上是國際野生生物保護協會在紐約動物園和水族館展開的一項新研究,目的是讓動物們更加健康快樂地生活。