deferred payment payment by instalments 延期付款;Mode of Payment and Terms of Payment 付款方式和付款條件;Mode of Payment and Terms of Payment 付款方式和付款條件;overcharging taxes or abating payment 超收稅捐或減少支付罪;payment domiciled 指定地付款;指定地點付款;
1.Partial payment, late payment or unidentifiable payment will not be regarded as a valid payment. 局部繳款、逾期繳款或不能予以識辨的繳款將不會視為有效的繳款。
2.When the bank makes a payment for a confirmed deferred payment, it shall write-off the said deferred payment in the system. 銀行為經確認的延期付款對外支付時,須在系統中對該筆延期付款辦理相應的註銷手續。
3.Payment method any change, the examinee still has not been possible carries on the payment through on-line payment or the bank cable transfer. 付款方式沒有任何變化,考生依然可以通過網上付款或銀行電匯進行付款。
4.or by payment period. So if you're trying to track down a specific order's payment data you can zero in by date or by payment period. It couldn't be any easier. 年年)或者根據支付週期查看數據。所以,如果您嘗試追蹤特定訂單的支付數據,您可以調整日期或支付期限。這是最簡便的方法。
5.Fill in the relevant payment documents according to the payment request with the signature of approver. And release cash accordingly. 按照批准後的付款請求填寫付款單據並準確及時的支付現金/銀行存款。
We usually accept payment by irrevocable L C payable against shiping documents. - 我們一般用不可撤銷信用證,憑裝運單據結匯付款方式。
Would you please tell us payment terms? - 請您告訴我們付款方式好嗎?
I'm sorry. For these large orders, we insist on payment by L C. - 對不起。對於這樣金額大的訂單,我們堅持用信用證支付。
Sure, but never before have we had payment in RMB. - 當然可以,不過我們從來沒有用過人民幣付款。
We prefer to have payment in US dollars. It may be difficult for us to do so. - 我們用美元付款。用人民幣支付可能有些困難。
We would adopt payment by instalments for our present practice, - 這次交易我們將採取分期付款方式,
Payment by instalments is one of the terms of payment that has been accepted. - 分期付款是通常被接受的一種付款方式。
But you may rest assured that the payment is guaranteed. - 但是你盡可以放心,我們的付款是有保障的。
What kind of payment terms can you offer? - 您要什麼樣的付款方式?
and an advance payment waiting for you - 和預付稿酬等你來
For payment we would prefer and L/C. - 我們更願意使用信用證的方式付款。
We must stress that these payment terms are very important to us. - 我們必須強調這些付款條件對我們很重要。
Do you think the method of payment is OK for you? - 你們認為結算方式合適嗎?
Yes, and full payment is due within 30 days. - 是的,如果在30天骨付款就沒有折扣。
What are your payment terms? - 你們的付款方式如何?
We must stress that these payment terms are very important to us. - 我們必須強調這些付款條件對我們很重要。
Do you think the method of payment is OK for you? - 你們認為結算方式合適嗎?
醫藥費 - medical payment