1.Rtsekhor is a famous track of pilgrimage that runs around the Potala Palace which is also called by the Tibetans "rtse potala", meaning "Potala Palace on a red mountain". 孜廓是專門圍繞布達拉宮的一條著名轉經道。藏族同胞把布達拉宮叫做「孜布達拉」,意思是「紅山上的布達拉宮」。
2.This world-famous architectural wonder is built on the escarpments of Red Mountain and rises high above the valley floor. The awesome Potala can be seen from all directions for miles around. 布達拉宮是世界建築史上的奇跡,她聳立於紅山懸崖之上,在數英里之外的四面八方均可目睹她的英姿。
3.In Tibet in the Tibetan mastiff widespread origin legend: long long time ago, at the foot of the Potala Palace, where an industrious kind of nomads: Tibetan. 在西藏地區廣泛流傳著藏獒來歷的傳說:很久很久以前,在布達拉宮腳下,居住著一個勤勞善良的遊牧民族:藏族。
4.They are so free, so freely, or remain in the external walls of the Potala Palace Square, as a group of pious saints, holy day, listening to the gospel. 他們是那樣自由、那樣無拘無束地停留在布達拉宮外牆或廣場上,如同一群虔誠的聖徒,每天聆聽著聖潔的福音。
5.Of SmokeSacred Offerings Pilgrims burn sacred evergreen offerings at a "Chorten" as they prepare to walk hundreds of steps to Potala Palace, once the home of the Dalai Lama. 煙與祭品在朝聖者準備沿著布達拉宮的數百節台階上殿前,他們先在一座佛塔前焚燒常青植物的祭品。