WIS[wis]vt. 知道;以為vi. 知道;以為
WIS 育齡婦女信息系統;智慧;育齡婦女信息管理系統;WEB Injection Scanner;We Wis 願你平安;slines wis 詩蘭絲維;Histories make men wis 讀史使人明智;Wis-Hipple laryngoscope 釋義:威-希二氏喉鏡;
1.In 1993 Sen. Joe Lieberman (D. , Conn. ) and Sen. Herb Kohl (D. , Wis. ) held Congressional hearings on violent video games. 1993年參議員喬·利博曼(康涅狄格州)與赫博·克爾(威斯康星州)主持了有關暴力遊戲的國會聽證會。
2.TON, Wis. - Pets here will be breathing a little easier nowthatlocal rescuers will be carrying oxygen masks designedforanimals. 美國威斯康星州阿普爾頓市的救援人員為動物們設計了一款氧氣面罩。
3."When the season changes, you just flip a switch and the flow reverses, " says Leo Udee, account manager at Alliant Energy in Madison, Wis. 美國安聯能源公司的業務主管尤迪說:「換季時,只需要輕鬆按下開關,就可替換冷、暖氣。」