bush-shirt 軍裝式襯衫;bush- shirt 外套襯衫;
1.Bush went to Iraq to look for Weapons of Mass Destruction and all he found was this lousy T-shirt. 布什去要找尋他發現的大模毀滅性武器和全部的伊拉克是這個污穢的圓領汗衫。
2.Bush went to Iraq to look for Weapons of Mass Destruction and all he found was this lousy T-shirt. 布什到伊拉克去找大規模殺傷性武器找到的全是這件髒T恤。
3.Cannot find weapons or CIA Error Iraqi Explorer Bush went to Iraq to look for Weapons of Mass Destruction and all he found was this lousy T-shirt. 無法找到武器或CIA錯誤 伊拉克探索者 布什到伊拉克去找大規模殺傷性武器找到的全是這件髒T恤。