n. commonality ,commons
commonalty['kɔmənəlti]n. 平民;法人團體;團體
commonalty 平民;民眾團體;公共;大眾;Influence of commonalty's exercise on the subject system 大眾健身對體育學科體系的影響;the masses the people commonage commonalty demos plebeian populace 大眾;
1.But now, commonalty culture needs to deal well with the balance between the secularity and transcendentality of culture. 但目前,平民文化還需注意處理好文化的世俗性與超越性之間的平衡關係。
2.It leads commonalty to have a correct understanding of mental retarded people and strives for a social environment with equality of opportunities and participation. 引導大眾正確認識智障問題,為智障人士爭取「平等機會、平等參與」的社會環境。
3.In 21st century, sustainable development as an innovative development conception of society has been accepted generally and is supposed to be goal achieved by the commonalty of mankind. 進入21世紀,可持續發展作為一種全新的社會發展觀,已為人們普遍接受,並且成為整個人類社會共同致力的目標。