





become effective go into effect in operation inure take effect 生效;side effect side-effect 副作用;side effect side-effect 副作用;field-effect quadrode field-effect tetrode 場效應四極管;four-effect evaporator quadruple effect evaporator 四效蒸發器;


1.The main finishing technologies of goat skin shoe upper leather have been discussed, including glazed effect, simulate glazed effect, pearl effect, aniline effect, crystal effect and mirror effect. 本文論述了打光效應、仿打光效應、珠光效應、全苯胺效應塗飾、水晶效應、鏡面效應等山羊皮鞋面革塗飾的關鍵技術。

2.The main finishing technologies of goat skin shoe upper leather have been discussed, including glazed effect, simulate glazed effect, pearl effect, aniline effect, crystal effect and mirror effect. 本文論述了打光效應、仿打光效應、珠光效應、全苯胺效應塗飾、水晶效應、鏡面效應等山羊皮鞋面革塗飾的關鍵技術。

3.The main finishing technologies of goat skin shoe upper leather have been discussed, including glazed effect, simulate glazed effect, pearl effect, aniline effect, crystal effect and mirror effect. 本文論述了打光效應、仿打光效應、珠光效應、全苯胺效應塗飾、水晶效應、鏡面效應等山羊皮鞋面革塗飾的關鍵技術。

4.The main finishing technologies of goat skin shoe upper leather have been discussed, including glazed effect, simulate glazed effect, pearl effect, aniline effect, crystal effect and mirror effect. 本文論述了打光效應、仿打光效應、珠光效應、全苯胺效應塗飾、水晶效應、鏡面效應等山羊皮鞋面革塗飾的關鍵技術。

5.Auger effects available: 1)Auger surface effect 2) Auger peak width and chemical effect 3) Auger recombination effect 4) Auger electron structure effect and Auger surface state effect. 俄歇效應,提出可採用的俄歇效應有:(1)俄歇表面效應,(2)俄歇峰寬和化學效應,(3)俄歇復合,(4)俄歇電子結構效應和俄歇表面態效應。


We'll open a letter of credit if you promise to effect shipment one month earlier. - 如果你方答應提前一個月交貨,我們就同意開信用證。

The recent rain has had a bad effect on the crops. - 最近的那場雨對莊嫁的影響不好。

How will we know whether it can have a positive effect on the company? - 我們怎麼會知道它對公司能有積極的效果呢?

The effect speaks, the tongue needs not. - 事實勝於雄辯。

I would keep my mind fresh for reading when I got home formwork Resisting the hypnotizing effect of television, I sat in my room for a few evenings with my eyes glued to book. - 晚上下班回家看書時頭腦更清醒些。有幾天晚上,我極力擺脫了電視的誘惑,坐在自己的房間裡,兩眼盯在書上。

The Butterfly Effect is the reason. - 原因是蝴蝶效應。

if there is any effect of noise upon mental health it must be so small that present methods of psychiatric diagnosis cannot find it. - 如果噪音對精神健康有影響的話,那也一定是微乎其微,以致現代的精神病診斷方法還發現不了。

Imagine the effect on a reasonably advanced technological society, - 那麼可以設想,這將對這個社會產生何等的影響。但科技相當發達的社會,

This in turn had an effect on the food supply for wolves. - 這樣又影響了狼的食物供應。

Thus one simple fact, a change in the number of bison, had an effect on the whole wildlife chain of the plains. - 因此,出現了這樣一個簡單的事實--野牛數目換的變化對平原的整個野生生物鏈都產生了影響。


have marked effect in treating; principle indications - 主治

residual effect of pesticide - 農藥殘效

n. size effect of cutting force - 切削力的尺寸效應

enhance the effect of the principal drug - 加強主藥之功效

combining effect of chemicals - 化學物綜合作用

primary effect process - 原初作用過程

allogenetic effect factor - 同種異體效應因子

field effect variable - 場效應變量

fet; field effect transistor - 場效應晶體管

n. field effect transistor - 場效應管

dosage effect of gene - 基因劑量效應

multiple effect evaporation - 多效蒸發

multiple effect evaporator; multiple-effect evaporator - 多效蒸發器

effect of microwave - 微波影響

chronic toxic effect zone - 慢性毒作用帶

effect on against disease - 抗病效能

no effect level; noneffective dose - 無作用劑量

therapeutic effect of massage - 按摩的治療效果

peak effect time - 最大效應的時間

toxic effect time - 毒性出現時間

n. effect of hydrostatic pressure - 水壓效應

long term effect of pollutant - 污染源

residual effect spray - 滯效噴酒

test for metabolic effect of thyroid hormone - 甲狀腺激素代謝效應試驗

increasing the effect of another ingredient; mutual assistance; mutualassistance - 相使

drug effect classification - 藥效分類

early effect of radiation - 輻射早期效應

dose effect curve for - 輻射致癌的劑量效應曲線

static effect of conjugation - 靜態軛效應

n. effect of hydrostatic pressure - 靜液壓力效應


遠距離作用 - abscopal effect

n.針刺效果 - acupuncture effect

急性作用,急性效應 - acute effect

n.吸附效應 - adsorption effect

順應效應 - adaptive effect

n.相加作用 - additive effect

n.加性遺傳效應 - additive genetic effect

n.效力可加性,效應可加性 - additive of effect

輔助效果 - adjuvant effect

n.不良影響,反效應 - adverse effect

n.後果,後效;n.後效,後效作用 - after effect

n.同種異體效應因子 - allogenetic effect factor

異源效應,外源效應 - allogenic effect

異源效應因子,同種效果因子 - allogenic effect factor

n.變構效應,別構效應 - allosteric effect

n.粒子的氧效應 - alpha particles oxygen effect

n.高山作用 - altitude effect

鎮痛效果,止痛效果 - analgesic effect

麻醉作用 - anesthetic effect

食慾減退作用 - anorectic effect

食慾不振作用 - anorexic effect

n.對抗效應,反協同效應 - antagonistic effect

抗放射作用 - anti-radiation effect

抗應變性效果 - antiallergic effect

抗不整脈作用 - antiarrhythmic effect

抗咳喘效果 - antiasthmatic effect

抗癌作用 - anticancer effect

抗細胞效果 - anticellular effect

抗膽鹼能效果 - anticholinergic effect

抗凝固效果 - anticoagulant effect

抗葛籐作用 - anticonflict effect

抗箭毒效應 - anticurare effect

抗利尿效果 - antidiuretic effect

鎮吐作用 - antiemetic effect

鎮癇效果 - antiepileptic effect

抗受精效果 - antifertility effect

抗溶血作用 - antihemolytic effect

抗激素作用 - antihormonal effect

降壓利尿效果 - antihypertensive effect

抗躁狂效果 - antimanic effect

抗有害作用 - antinociceptive effect

反極點效應,對稱點效應 - antipolar effect

增殖抑制效果 - antiproliferative effect

鎮癢 - antipruritic effect

解熱作用 - antipyretic effect

n.抗輻射效應 - antiradiation effect

抗狹心效果 - antistenocardaic effect

抗狹心症效果 - antistenocardia effect

抗血栓形成效果 - antithrombotic effect

抗腫瘤效果 - antitumor effect

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