granulosan. [生]粒層細胞
granulosa 粒層,粒膜(卵泡內);顆粒層的;釋義:粒層,粒膜;zona granulosa 顆粒層;釋義:卵丘:卵泡周圍復層立方上皮;dermatitis granulosa 顆粒性皮炎;tunica granulosa 釋義:[顆]粒層;granulosa cell 粒膜細胞;顆粒細胞;顆粒層細胞;粒性細胞;
1.This is a granulosa cell tumor of ovary with a variegated cut surface. 這是卵巢顆粒細胞瘤的切面呈色彩斑駁狀。
2.Small differences in insulin-regulated genes in granulosa cells were also noted between obese and normal weight women. 肥胖女性和正常體重女性間的顆粒細胞胰島素調節基因也存在微小差別。
3.Here is the microscopic apperance of a hemorrhagic corpus luteum lined by luteinized granulosa cells next to the hemorrhagic area at the right. 鏡下可見,右側靠近出血區域處,出血的黃體被成線狀排列的黃體顆粒細胞所包圍。
granulosa cell of ovary - 卵巢粒層細胞
granulosa cell carcinoma; granulosa cell tumor of ovary - 卵巢顆粒細胞瘤
theca type of ovarian granulosa cell tumor - 卵泡膜型卵巢粒細胞瘤
granulosa cell tumor - 粒導細胞瘤
granulosa cell cardinoma - 粒層細胞癌
granulosa cell carcinoma of fallopian tube - 輸卵管顆粒細胞癌
n.肉芽腫性闌尾炎 - appendicitis granulosa
梅毒性顆粒性結膜炎 - conjunctivitis granulosa syphilitica
n.顆粒性淋巴瘤病 - lymphomatosis granulosa
n.粒層,粒膜 - membrana granulosa
n.顆粒部分 - pars granulosa
濾泡性咽炎,顆粒性咽炎 - pharyngitis granulosa
n.肉芽性腎盂炎 - pyelitis granulosa
藥劑膜 - theca granulosa
n.卵泡膜型卵巢粒細胞瘤 - theca type of ovarian granulosa cell tumor
n.粒性輸尿管炎 - ureteitis granulosa