apaabbr. 美國心理學協會(American Psychological Association);預約定價安排(Advance Pricing Arrangement)
APA 美國心理學會;American Psychological Association;美國心理協會;美國規劃協會;Apa Qaghan 以為阿波可汗;Apa Pant 阿帕·潘特;APA AutoPilot 自動駕駛儀;apa sebab 為什麼,何故;
1."Just being a test driver is not really my thing, " he said in an interview with the news agency APA in Hungary. 「只作一個試車手的確不是我的事情。」他在匈牙利和APA新聞機構進行談話時說道。
2.Moreover, the APA pointedly omits "incompetent" evidence, such as hearsay, from the list of evidence that should not be received. 另外,《行政程序法》在不可採納的證據清單上,直截了當地忽略諸如傳聞類的「不合法的證據」。
3.The proposed algorithm has fast convergence speed, but small stability maladjustment with the same computational complexity as NLMS, therefore overcomes the drawback of APA. 該算法收斂速度快,穩態失調小,計算量與NLMS算法相當,克服了APA算法收斂速度快但計算量大的缺陷。