palmoliven. 棕欖
Palmolive 棕欖;Colgate-Palmolive Co 高露潔;Colgate-Palmolive 高露潔棕欖;高露潔公司;高露潔棕欖集團;高露潔-棕欖;CL colgate palmolive 高露潔棕欖有限公司;Colgate-Palmolive Company 高露潔公司;科爾蓋特--帕爾莫利夫公司;高露潔棕欖公司;
1.Which helps explain how Melcarek solved a problem that stumped the in-house researchers at Colgate-Palmolive. 這有助於解釋為什麼梅爾卡雷克解決了困擾高露潔研究室人員的問題。
2.Colgate Palmolive has a remarkable record of improving productivity, as reflected in gross margin, virtually every year for the past 15 years, even during the last recession. 高露潔—棕欖公司有著非凡的生產力增長的紀錄,表現為總利潤的增加。在過去的15年中,包括上一次經濟衰退期間,幾乎每年都有增長。
3.NASDAQ will leverage its resources to provide traditional advertising, visibility and IR/PR opportunities to build unmatched investor and customer visibility for Colgate-Palmolive. 納斯達克將會調整其資源結構,提供傳統的廣告宣傳,透明度和發達的人脈及公共關係網。從而為高露潔增加實力雄厚的投資者並提高其客戶關注度。