vesicae['vesi:, -ki:]n. 膀胱;魚鰾
vesicae 膀胱;trigonum vesicae 膀胱三角;endometriosis vesicae 膀胱內子宮內膜組織形成;釋義:膀胱子宮內膜異位;Fundus vesicae 膀胱底;cervix vesicae 膀胱頸;釋義:膀胱頸;膀胱頸;
1.Objective:To explore the curative effect of transurethral incision of cervix vesicae for obstruction of bladder neck. 目的:探討經尿道電切術治療膀胱頸梗阻的方法和治療效果。
2.Methods 103 cases with bladder neoplasm in trigonum vesicae or cervix vesicae were detected and were divided into stages by transrectal ultrasound and transadominal ultrasound. 方法應用經直腸超聲及經腹壁超聲對103例生長於膀胱三角區及頸部的膀胱腫瘤進行對比觀察並分期。
body of gallbladder; corpus vesicae felleae - 膽囊體
fossa vesicae felleae; notch of gallbladder - 膽囊切跡
serous coat of gallbladder; tunica serosa vesicae felleae - 膽囊漿膜
subserous coat of gallbladder; tela subserosa vesicae felleae - 膽囊漿膜下組織
fossa of gallbladder; fossa vesicae felleae - 膽囊窩
mucous coat of gallbladder; tunica mucosa vesicae felleae - 膽囊粘膜
plicae tunicae mucosae vesicae felleae - 膽囊粘膜襞
muscular coat of gallbladder; tunica muscularis vesicae felleae - 膽囊肌織膜
collum vesicae felleae; neck of gallbladder - 膽囊頸
apes vesicae urinariae; apex of bladder - 膀胱尖
fundus of urinary bladder; fundus vesicae urinariae - 膀胱底
apex of bladder; apex vesicae urinariae - 膀胱頂
n.膀胱尖 - apes vesicae urinariae
n.膀胱頂 - apex vesicae urinariae
n.膀胱頸 - cervix vesicae
n.膽囊頸 - collum vesicae felleae
n.膀胱體 - corpus vesicae
n.膽囊體 - corpus vesicae felleae
n.膀胱大皰性水腫 - edema bullosum vesicae
n.膀胱外翻 - ectopia vesicae
n.膀胱子宮內膜異位 - endometriosis vesicae
n.膽囊切跡,膽囊窩 - fossa vesicae felleae
膽囊底 - fundus vesicae felleae
n.膀胱底 - fundus vesicae urinariae
膽囊積水 - hydrops vesicae fellae
n.膀胱逼尿肌 - musculus detrusor vesicae
n.膽囊粘膜襞 - plicae tunicae mucosae vesicae felleae
n.膀胱括約肌 - sphincter vesicae
n.庫普雷索夫氏中樞 - spinal center of sphincter vesicae
n.膽囊漿膜下組織 - tela subserosa vesicae felleae
n.經尿道膀胱頸切開術 - transurethral incision of cervix vesicae
n.膀胱三角 - trigonum vesicae
n.膽囊粘膜 - tunica mucosa vesicae felleae
膀胱粘膜 - tunica mucosa vesicae urinariae
n.膽囊肌織膜 - tunica muscularis vesicae felleae
膀胱泌尿肌層 - tunica muscularis vesicae urinariae
n.膽囊漿膜 - tunica serosa vesicae felleae
膀胱漿膜 - tunica serosa vesicae urinariae
n.膀胱垂,膀胱雍垂 - uvula vesicae