n. bric-a-brac ,knickknack ,knickknackery ,nicknack
whatnots['hwɔtnɔt, 'hwʌt-]n. 放古董的架子;不可名狀的東西
1.The early drafts of The Empire Strikes Back had Han Solo and Leia Organa encounter aliens known as Whatnots. 在《帝國反擊戰》的初稿中,漢·索洛和萊婭·奧加納與一個叫沃特諾特的外星生物有過接觸。
2.Like the Gungans that would follow in Episode I, the Whatnots are primitive, noble, yet very capable within their limited means; 類似《第一集》裡出現的岡根人,沃特諾特人原始而高尚,十分善於量入為出。
3.The script notes describe the Whatnots as being stoic creatures, with tall, thin builds and pale countenances, not unlike the alien visitors in Close Encounters of the Third Kind. 劇本的標注中寫著——不同於第三類接觸裡的外星拜訪者,沃特諾特是一種自制力強,體型瘦高,面色蒼白的物種。