corporatism['kɔ:pərətizəm]n. 社團主義;組合主義(等於corporativism)
Corporatism 社團主義;給合主義;統合主義;Leninist corporatism 遵循列寧式的集團主義;societal corporatism 社會統合主義;團主義;統合主義;社會組合主義(北歐);Employee Corporatism 公司職工主義;Enterprise corporatism 企業組合主義;
1.The varieties of corporatism in varied limes are the same or similar with each other in theoretic character. 這一思潮在各個不同的歷史時期有不同的表現形態,但卻存在一些共同的理論特徵。
2.And the government promised voters in last year's election that it would put an end to the cosy corporatism that has been both curse and blessing for JAL. 而政府在去年的大選時也已向選民們保證,在今年會解散那些不管是詛咒過還是保佑過日本航空的但目前還是舒舒服服存在的社團組織。
3.The corporatism advocates a harmonious and consistent social order and the interactive development between the government and intermediary organizations is the practice of corporatism. 「合作主義」提倡的是和諧、一致的社會秋序,政府與中介組織的互動性發展便是對這一「主義」的踐行。