





Fixed Deposit slip and fixed savings bankbook 定期存單和存折;fixed mine wagon fixed mining car 固定式礦車;fixed mine wagon fixed mining car 固定式礦車;fixed-end beam fixed beam 固端梁;fixed capacitor fixed condenser 固定電容器;


1.Fixed assets refer to the net value of fixed assets, clearance of fixed assets, project under construction, fixed assets losses in suspense. These are corporations' fund holdings. 固定資產指企業固定資產淨值、固定資產清理、在建工程、待處理固定資產損失所佔用的資金合計。

2.and the round metal base with fixed grooves linked to bending fixed protuberances, corresponding to the screw fixed holes and the bending fixed protuberances of the stand die base. 位於支架模具座的圓周內,並與螺絲插入孔和支架模具座的彎曲形固定突起相對應,還具有與彎曲形固定突起相連的固定槽的圓形金屬座。

3.Fixed prices have two implications for the economy as a whole: (a) because each firm's price is fixed, the price level is fixed. 對整體經濟而言,固定價格有兩種含義:第一,因為每個企業的價格是固定的,因此,價格水平是固定的。

4.New Tires, Fixed Understeer/Oversteer, Fixed grip levels, Fixed Wear Levels. Better Realistic handling. 新的輪胎,修正了轉向不足/轉向過度,修正了抓地力級別,修正了磨損級別,更加真實的操控。

5.Manages fixed Asset, including adding new fixed asset, fixed asset disposal and transfer. 負責管理固定資產包括新增、報損、處理和轉移。


They had some ideas about getting the place fixed up. - 他們對於怎麼樣修復這個地方有些構想。

To facilitate carrying, rope or metal handles are indispensable and should be fixed to the boxes. - 為便於搬運,繩子或鐵把手不可缺少,並將其固定在箱子上。

Her eyes were fixed on her plate and in a short time, she was busy eating. - 她的眼睛盯著自己的盤子,不一會兒就忙著吃起來了。

Eventually chains were fixed to one end of the dish and a powerful winch was put into operation. - 不過,他們終於將鏈條固定在盤子的一端,一台大功率的絞車開動起來。

This time they fixed heavy metal clamps to both sides of the dish so that they could fasten the chains. - 這次,他們用沉重的金屬夾子把盤子夾住,以便往盤子上安裝鐵鏈。

In the conversion of saliva into poison, one might suppose that a fixed process took place. - 人們可能認為,唾液轉變成毒液,其中有固定的程序。

It is not a simple competition for a fixed amount of food determined by the physical environment, - 它已不是為了爭得物質環境所決定的有限食物而進行的簡單競爭了,

But you said you'd come out to dinner with me. We fixed it. - 但你說過你願意出來和我共進晚餐的。我們已經決定了的。

But you said you'd come out to dinner with me. We fixed it. - 但你說過你願意出來和我共進晚餐的。我們已經決定了的。

Heavy iron chains around his feet and hands were fixed to a metal bar that ran round the hall about ten centimetres off the ground. - 手上和腳上沉重的鐵鏈拴在廳堂四周離地約有10厘米的金屬桿上。

Once on the boat, they were taken bolow and their chains were fixed to two bars that ran the length of the ship. - 一上船,他們就被帶進底艙,他們的鐐銬就被拴在兩根從船的一頭伸到另一頭的鐵桿上。

Their feet were fixed to one bar and their hands to another bar. - 他們的腳拴在一根鐵槓上,他們的手拴在另外一根鐵桿上。

The man who had fixed up the air-line was also questioned. - 安裝供氣管的那位工人也被提問。


expressed oil; fixed oil - 不揮發油

external fixed rate pacemaker - 體外心房固定頻率起搏器

cells fixed postmitotic - 分裂後固定細胞

unipolar fixed rate pacemaker - 單極固定頻率起搏器

bipolar fixed rate pacemaker - 雙極固定頻率起搏器

n. fixed mask of illuminator - 發光體的固定掩模

n. fixed blank holder - 坯緣壓牢器

fixed denture - 固定義齒

fixed retainer - 固定保持器

fixed prosthesis - 固定修復

fixed aperture - 固定光闌

n. fixed punch - 固定沖床

n. fixed punch - 固定沖桿

fixation agent; fixative; fixed agent - 固定劑

fixed hearing aid - 固定助聽器

n. fixed stripper - 固定卸料板

fixed reference lung model - 固定參考肺模型

fixed adsorbent - 固定吸附劑

fixed phagocyte - 固定噬細胞

n. fixed blank holder - 固定坯料夾

fixed storage - 固定存儲器

fixed layer - 固定層

n. fixed barrier guard - 固定屏障安全裝置

fixed macrophage - 固定巨噬細胞

n. fixed bed operation - 固定床操作

n. fixed bed operation - 固定床運作

n. fixed bed operation - 固定床運行

n. fixed type draw bead - 固定式壓延胎圈

fixed binocular loupe - 固定式雙筒放大鏡

n. fixed type draw bead - 固定式拉伸撐輪圈

fixed strabismus; strabismus fixus - 固定性斜視

fixed eruption - 固定性疹

fixed scoliosis - 固定性脊柱側凸

fixed kyphosis - 固定性脊柱後凸

fixed drug eruption - 固定性藥疹

fixed obliquity pelvis - 固定性骨盆傾斜

fixed roi method - 固定感興區法

fixed preparation - 固定標本

fixed bridge - 固定橋

fixed residus - 固定殘渣

fixed virus; fixedvirus; virus fixe - 固定毒

fixed ratio - 固定比率

n. fixed blank holder - 固定毛坯夾

fixed eluant - 固定洗提液

fixed liquid phase - 固定液相

fixed dermatitis medicamentosa; fixed drug eruption - 固定疹型藥物性皮炎

fixed phase; immobile phase; partitioner phase; partitionerphase; stationary phase - 固定相

n. fixed hardware - 固定硬件

fixed base - 固定鹼

fixed ions - 固定離子


n.昏迷患者兩眼凝視 - an unconscious patient has fixed stare

n.雙極固定頻率起搏器 - bipolar fixed rate pacemaker

n.分裂後固定細胞 - cells fixed postmitotic

n.體外心房固定頻率起搏器 - external fixed rate pacemaker

n.戴眼 - hyperphoria with fixed eyeballs

可移動固定齒橋,移動性固定橋 - movable fixed bridge

n.定基比 - relative ratio with fixed base

n.單極固定頻率起搏器 - unipolar fixed rate pacemaker

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