GPACabbr. 通用模擬計算機(General Purpose Analogue Computer )
GPAC 通用模擬計算機;GPAC GuidedProjectile 制導炮彈;GPAC GraphicPACkage 圖形程序包;GPAC General Purpose Analog Computer 通用模擬計算機;
1.IPMF is the annual meeting of GPAC, and is also a grand event of project management in the Greater China region. GPAC國際項目管理論壇(IPMF)是GPAC組織的年會,也是大中華區項目管理界的盛事。
2.GPac pallet return to their source at the end of their lifecycle by disintegrating and returning to the earth as compost and fertiliser through natural ecological processes. 吉棧板在使用週期結束時,將回歸自然成為有機環保植物養分,不會對用戶及大地造成環保負擔。
3.IPMF is the annual meeting of GPAC, and is also a grand event of Greater China region in project management, organized by GPAC Beijing, GPAC Hong Kong and GPAC Taiwan in turn every year. IPMF國際項目管理論壇,是GPAC中華項目管理促進委員會組織的年會。也是大中華區兩岸三地項目管理界的盛事。每年由GPAC北京、GPAC香港、GPAC台灣輪辦。