Accountant 會計員,會計師;會計師;會計員;會計人員;General Accountant 總會計師;總會計師,總會計;總帳會計;總會計師,總會計;chartered accountant 特許會計師;會計師;租船會計;註冊會計師;accountant school 會計學校;cost accountant 成本會計師;成本會計;成本核算員;成本會計 文章來自;
1.The position of an accountant-general shall be assumed by a person with the technical title of accountant or above. 總會計師由具有會計師以上技術職稱的人員擔任。
2.For a unit having an accountant-general, the accountant-general shall also sign and seal the financial and accounting reports. 設置總會計師的單位,還須由總會計師簽名並蓋章。
3.The position of an accountant-general shall be assumed by a person with the professional and technical title of accountant or above. 總會計師由具有會計師以上專業技術任職資格的人員擔任。
4.The index accountant yield that comes out by derive of accountant income data (the person that ROL) is used by forms for reporting statistics likewise people pay homage to. 由會計收益數據派生出來的指標會計收益率(ROL)同樣被報表使用者們頂禮膜拜。
5.Supervise and provide leadership and guidance to cost accountant, financial analyst and AP accountant etc. 管理並向成本會計、財務分析員、應付帳款會計提供指導;