





n. thirster ,yearner


longer['lɔŋɡə, 'lɔ:ŋ-]adv. 比較久adj. 比較久的


Longer 悠久;長遠;天長地久;漫長;Longer Conversations 長對話;較長對話;Live Longer 延年又益壽;長壽;活得更長;Longer Discussion 長對話;Longer Range 長距離型;


1.But in no case would it take longer than 6 months. 但是在沒有情況它會比較久拿嗎比較6個月。

2.Spring is coming, it is warm and foggy, the days get longer and the trees turn green. 春天即將到來,它是溫暖而霧深的,那每天變得比較長而且樹變綠色的。

3.We are no longer kids, you could say you are alone, but you should never say you are lonely. 我們都不再是小孩子了,所以你可以說你是寂寞的,但是永遠莫將孤獨掛在嘴邊。


The number's no longer in service. - 這個號碼現在是空號。

Yes, but the number's no longer in service. - 打過,但那個號碼是空號。

IT is no longer the growth industry it once was. - 信息科技業的增長不再像以前那樣快。

He felt that his life was no longer worth living. - 他覺得他的生命已經沒有再活下去的價值了。

She has now held the post of Prime Minister longer than anyone else this century. - 她現在擔任首相任期之長在本世紀是前所未有的。

The longer the words the better. - 單詞越長越好。

Women commonly live longer that men. - 女性通常比男性長壽。

The blouse no longer fits me. - 這件襯衣不再合我身了。

This pencil is longer than that one. - 這支鉛筆比那一個長。

So you can take M/T, and they will take a longer time to reach New York Bank. - 那麼你要採用信匯,只是信匯匯款到紐約銀行用的時間較長。

We no longer manufacture pure cotton shirts as their retail prices tend only to attract that upper end of the market. - 我方已不再生產純棉襯衫因為其零售價格只能吸引高檔消費者。

The statue is no longer standing here. - 那做銅像已經不豎在這裡了。

There is no longer any communication between them. - 他們之間好久不說話了。

No longer pipe, no longer dance. - 運不逢時,事不得意。

I couldn't wait any longer for you! - 我等你等得不耐煩了!

The days get longer and the nights get shorter. - 白天變長了,黑夜變短了。

I went on an excursion recently, but my trip took me longer than I expected. - 最近我作了一次短途旅行,但這次旅行所花費的時間比我預計的要長。

we are no longer free to choose the things we want, - 但我們已經無法獨立自主地選購自己所需的東西了。

The village no longer existed because it had been submerged, and all the valley too. - 村莊已不復存在,因為已經為水所淹,山谷也被水淹沒了。

The further off this solid obstruction, the longer time will elapse for the return of the echo. - 固體障礙物越遠。回聲返回所用時間就越長。

But Alfred had deduced that the Danes were no longer fit for prolonged battle: - 然而,阿爾弗雷德斷定,丹麥人已不再適應持久的戰爭,

knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do, - 明白了有人會繼續我的未竟事業,

and slipping through we no longer take omens from their flight on this side and that; and even the most superstitious villagers no longer take off their hats to the magpie and wish it good-morning. - 這些鳥對我們是有益的,雖然我們不再從它們的飛翔姿態來占卜吉凶,連最迷信的村民也不再對喜鵲脫帽行禮,祝它早安了。

It was necessary first to arrive at that degree of sophistication where we no longer set our own belief against ourneighbour's superstition. - 不用自己的信仰去反對我們鄰居的迷信。

because the environment that determines our evolution is no longer essentially physical. - 因為決定我們進化環境的主要方面已不再是物質。

The picnic basket was no longer under the tree. - 樹下的野餐籃不見了。

The children are no longer young, and they know who Father Christmas really is. - 孩子們不小了,他們知道真正的「聖誕老人」是誰。

Today it is no longer the tallest building in the USA, or even in New York. - 今天,它不再是美國最高的大廈了,甚至在紐約都排不上號了。

Bison waste no longer fell on the ground to improve the soil, which as a result became less good for growing plants. - 地上不再有野牛的糞便來改良土壤,結果對於植物生長土壤變得不夠肥沃了。

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