monomaniacs[,mɔnəu'meiniæk]n. 偏執狂者;狂熱者
monomaniacs 對一事熱狂的人;
1.This is a gripping story, expertly handled by Benjamin Wallace who writes with wit and verve, drawing the reader into a subculture strewn with eccentrics and monomaniacs. 這是一個引人入勝的故事,作者本傑明
2.He recognised that business people are often ruthless monomaniacs, obsessed by their dreams of building "private kingdoms" and willing to do anything to crush their rivals. 但是熊彼得不可能只唱讚歌,他對商業的一路走來看得太明白了——商人通常都是冷酷的偏執狂,癡迷於建造自己的「私人王國」,可以不惜一切手段打壓對手。
3.He recognised that business people are often ruthless monomaniacs, obsessed by their dreams of building "private kingdoms" and willing to do anything to crush their rivals. 他看到的商業發展史是一幅競賽比爭的畫卷——商人通常都是冷酷的偏執狂,癡迷於建造自己的「私人王國」,可以不惜一切手段將對手打垮。