rbaabbr. 雷達信標天線(Radar Beacon Antenna);相對字節地址(Relative Byte Address);英國皇家藝術家協會(Royal Society of British Artists);救急氧氣設備
RBA Redo Byte Address;REDO BLOCK ADDRESS;recovery block address;Reactive Bandwidth Arbitration;RBA RowBuffer 行緩衝區;RABAT RBA 拉巴特;base RBA 基本相對字節地址;RBA RABAT 拉巴特(摩洛哥);
1.Norges Bank and the RBA are forecasting domestic inflation rates below
2. 8% for the next few years. 挪威銀行和澳洲儲備銀行預計在未來若干年內國內通脹率低於2。8%。
2.If the RBA signals as much, the Australian dollar could rally sharply, bringing other higher-yielding currencies along with it. 如果澳洲央行發出這樣的信號,澳元可能會大幅上漲,帶動其它高收益貨幣一道上揚。
3.The latest strikes by the NDFB and Ulfa are proof that the RBA offensive has not really decimated their numbers, who continue to resort to extortion and violence. 最近的一次由NDFB和烏爾法發動的罷工證明了不丹王室軍隊沒有能真正削弱他們,而他們則繼續進行他們的掠奪和暴力。