copernicanadj. 哥白尼的;哥白尼學說的
Copernican 哥白尼學說的;哥白尼體系;哥白尼學說的, 哥白尼的;哥白尼期;Copernican Revolution 哥白尼革命;哥白尼式的革命;Copernican Principle 哥白尼原則;Copernican system 哥白尼體系;哥白尼太陽系;The Copernican principle 哥白尼原則;
1.in the Copernican system the earth and other planets revolve around the sun. 在哥白尼體系裡,地球和其他行星都是繞著太陽轉的。
2.One of these is the product of that earlier revolution: the Copernican principle, that Earth is not in a central or otherwise special position in the universe. 其中之一是前一個大變革中的產物:哥白尼理論,也就是地球並不是在宇宙的中心或者處於宇宙中的一個特殊位置。
3.At the time, the best evidence for dark energy had not yet emerged, and Goodman was not seeking an explanation for any unexplained phenomena but proof of the Copernican principle itself. 當時,關於暗能量的最佳證據尚未出現,因此古德曼只是想要證明哥白尼原理。