v. make ,produce
Create[kri'eit]vt. 創造,創作;造成
create 創造;創建;(建立):建立目錄的權力。;建立,創造;Create Droplet 創建快捷批處理;創建小程序;創立快速批處置;創建快捷批次處理;Create NURBS 創建NURBS物體;創建NURBS 物體;創立NURBS物體;Create Constraint 創建約束物體;創建約束;Create Radial 創建輻射動力場;
1.Shakespeare created many comic characters. 莎士比亞創作了很多喜劇人物。
2.Although I knew how to create life. 儘管我已知道怎樣創造生命。
3.Create the right bedroom temperature and humidity. 創造適宜的臥室溫度及濕度。
The designer is going to create a new type of dress. - 服裝設計師正在設計新款女裝。
Eugene could create beautiful images with his paints. - 尤金能夠把美麗的形象用畫筆畫出來。
The enormous increase of population will create many problems. - 巨大的人口增長將產生很多問題。
it is both simple and elegant, fulfilling its designer's dream to create 'an enormous object drawn as faintly as possible'. - 但它的結構簡單,造型優美,實現了設計者企圖創造一個「盡量用細線條勾畫出一個龐然大物」的夢想。
Students often create amusing situations which are funny to everyone except the victims. - 大學生們常常做的是製造一種可笑的局面,使大家笑上一場,當然受害者是笑不出來的。
If there is one -- which I take leave to doubt -- then it is older people who create it, not the young themselves. - 如果這個問題存在的話 -- 請允許我對此持懷疑態度 -- 那麼,這個問題是由老年人而不是青年人造成的。