Post Erlang-B 後愛爾蘭法;Erlang 愛爾蘭;愛爾朗;話務量;歐蘭,占線小時;Erlang zhenjun 二郎真君;Erlang C 歐蘭C;Erlang hour 占線小時;
1.The Transformation of Rural Governance in the Context of Chinas Urbanization——Based on Thinking of "SanGuan Project" of Erlang Village, Xishui County, Guizhou Province. 中國城市化進程中鄉村治理的變遷問題——基於貴州省習水縣二郎鄉實施「三關工程」的思考。
2.When told the data are from an exponential or Erlang distribution the Six Sigma Black Belt should know that the run chart is preferred over the standard X control chart. 當被告知數據來自於指數函數或服從厄蘭分佈,六西格瑪黑帶應該瞭解這時候趨勢圖優於標準的X控制圖。
3.Then in the western development region to help change the national transport infrastructure, we Erlang mountain tunnel opened 99 years later, four hours would be to Chengdu. 那麼國家在西部開發中下決心幫助民族地區改變交通設施建設,我們二郎山隧道99年打通以後,四個鐘頭就可以到成都了。
4.Through the X-ray diffraction analysis and point loading strength test, intrinsic causes for the rock burst in some sandy mudstones in Erlang mountain highway tunnel has been ascertained. 通過X射線粉晶衍射成分分析,結合岩石點荷載強度試驗研究,查明國內外首次發現的此隧道部分砂質泥巖發生巖爆活動的內在原因。