annetten. 安妮特(女子名)
Annette Blumenschein 布魯門夏恩;布魯門夏恩;Annette Funicello 富尼切洛;妮契洛;Annette Wieviorka 維維奧卡;安內特·維韋約卡女士;Annette Verschuren 總裁溫詩睿;總裁韋楚茵;Annette Carol 卡洛爾;
1.Jody: Annette, would we just be a local agent or the sole regional agent? 裘蒂:安妮特,我們只是要當本地代理商,還是獨家區域代理商呢?
2.Annette joined a new company so she could get in on the ground floor. That way she can participate in the company's growth. 安妮加入了一家新成立的公司,這樣她得到了最早的機會使她可以參與公司地成長。
3.A banner and publicity for the organization established in New York by DPP legislator Annette Lu to promote the case for joining the UN. 民進黨立委呂秀蓮,在紐約成立專責機構推動「參與聯合國」一案。這是促進會的旗幟與文宣。