





The theory and empirical analysis of the realized variance and realized covariation with the contamination of noise 上一篇論文: 噪聲影響下實際方差與實際協方差估計的理論與實證研究;realized beings 開悟者;I realized nothings broken 我恍然大悟 一切安好;我意識到沒有任何東西破碎;realized saying 巳實現儲蓄;l soon realized we'd just swapped 我很快地就意識到;


1.The power of human nature is realized in beauty, while that of the pastoral poets in history is realized in the beauty in Tao Yuan-ming's eclogues. 美是人的本質力量的外在顯現,陶淵明田園詩的美是田園詩人的本質力量的外在顯現;

2.Under simulated tests, the effects of microstructure on realized range-based volatility and realized volatility are compared. 在模擬試驗的基礎上,比較了微觀結構效應對兩種波動率度量方法的影響程度。

3.The acculturation of different cultures can be realized by the conversational negotiation. 不同文化的相互適應可以通過會話協調來加以實現。

4.Realized abecedarian industrialization through considering to develop and introduce a technology independently. 通過獨立研究開發和引進技術實現了初步的產業化。

5.Even the earliest power cuts, it was realized, would be disruptive , and damaging to the state's economy. 人們意識到,即使是最初階段的電力縮減,也是有破壞性的,將損害本州的經濟。


I never realized that. - 我從來沒有意識到這點。

He has realized how precious health is. - 他已經體會到健康的可貴。

He realized that he was heading in the wrong direction. - 他意識到走錯了方向。

I never realized that someday I would be living in New York. - 我從來沒認識到某天我將生活在紐約。

I've realized that we should stop the pollution. - 我明白必須阻止公害的原因了。

I turned to look at the children, but there weren't any in sight: they had all run away! The man laughed when he realized what had happened. - 我轉過頭去看那些孩子,但一個也不見,全都跑了!當那個人明白了發生的事情時,笑了起來。

Looking round, I realized with a shock that I was the only passenger left on the bus. - 我環視了一下身旁,驚奇地發現車裡就只剩我一個乘客了。

Below, the captain realized to his horror that the Titanic was sinking rapidly, - 在下面,船長驚恐的地發現「泰坦尼克」號正在急速下沉,

Mrs.Richards realized that it must be the man from the Electricity Board who had come to read the metre. - 理查茲夫人這才想到一定是供電局來人查電表了。

From a heavy gun that was raised, the captain realized that the ship must have been a cruiser. - 從撈起的一門大炮來看,船長認為那艘船一定是艘巡洋艦。

The guests had, of course, realized this from the moment Bessie opened the door for them and, long before the final catastrophe, had had a difficult time trying to conceal their amusement. - 客人們自然從貝西為他們開門那一刻起就看出來了,在好長一段時間裡,即最後這個亂子發生前,他們努力克制才沒笑出聲來。

I realized sadly that I had been completely defeated by their ingenuity. - 我懊喪地感到敗在了足智多謀的螞蟻的手下。

We realized that they must have become unduly frightened by the rising flood, - 我們意識到他們一定是被不斷上漲的洪水嚇壞了。

Parents would be greatly surprised and deeply touched if they realized how much belief their children usually have in their character and infallibility, - 那麼家長會大為吃驚和深受感動的,如果家長意識到孩子們通常是多麼相信家長的品行和絕對正確,

and realized that it was a sign that the child was growing up and developing valuable powers of observation and independent judgment, - 並且意識到這象徵著孩子們正在成熟和發展寶貴的觀察力、獨立判斷力,

At first I thought I'd done the right thing, but I soon realized that I'd made a mistake. - 開始我以為我做對了,但是很快就發現自己犯了個錯誤。

Fred realized that he had discovered an interesting and enjoyable way of making money. - 弗雷德認識到,他已找到了一種既有趣又愉快的掙錢方法。

I realized that they would be very worried, but that they would trust our good sense, wherever we were. - 我想他們會很擔心,但是無論我們在什麼地方,他們都會相信我們的處事能力。

Neither of us realized that night that these carvings and paintings dated back 15,000 years, - 我們沒有意識到這些刻畫追溯到15,000年前,

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