n. report ,repute
n. discredit ,disrepute
reputation[,repju'teiʃən]n. 名聲,名譽;聲望
reputation 聲望;聲譽;名譽;名譽問題;reliable reputation 信譽可靠;信譽可;信 譽可靠;reputation management 聲望經營;聲譽管理;名聲管理;名譽管理;shop reputation 商店信譽;Storied Reputation 故事般的聲望;
1.Can you cash reputation in bank? 妳能在銀行兌現聲望嗎?
2.The scandal tarnished his reputation. 醜聞「敗壞」了他的「名譽」。
3.Reputation first is the factorys tenet. 信譽第一,是該廠的宗旨。
Active Sports is getting a solid reputation for having top of the line products. - Active Sports的產品質量上乘,而且取得了很好的聲譽。
and that you have a fantastic reputation in the toy industry. - 而且在玩具界有很好的聲譽。
He has a reputation for honesty. - 他以誠實著稱。
She has a high reputation as a writer. - 她是個有名氣的作家。
He has the reputation of being bright. - 他以頭腦好而聞名。
The restaurant has built up a fine reputation for a good food. - 那家飯館因飯菜美味可口而建立了良好的聲譽。
At some dramatic moment in the story, the terrible secret becomes known and a reputation is ruined. - 在小說的某個戲劇性時刻,可怕的秘密洩漏出來,接著便是某人的聲譽掃地。
Aeroplanes have the reputation of being dangerous and even hardened travellers are intimidated by them. - 飛機以危險而著稱,連老資格的旅行者也怕飛機。