Rieslingn. 雷司令(一種干白葡萄酒的商標名稱)
Riesling 雷司令;麗絲玲;薏絲琳;威士蓮;Grey Riesling 灰雷司令;Eroica Riesling 英雄薏絲林;Ruhlmann Riesling 雷司令干白葡萄酒;Italian Riesling 貴人香;貴人香 意斯林 薏絲琳;
1.Petrolly: Tasting term used to describe an oily smell which is typical of fine, aged Riesling. 汽油味的:品嚐術語,用於描述油味,常出現在優質,陳年的雷司令酒中。
2.This Weltachs Riesling is well balanced between alcohol, sweetness and acidity. The taste is fruity and crisp with a hint of sweetness. 這款威士蓮葡萄酒以平衡的酸度和甜度搭配製勝。果香味道濃郁,口感爽脆,又不乏絲絲的香甜以作點綴。
3.Clean and apealing on the nose, this dry, refined and delicately fruity Riesling shows a good acidity and a mineral nuance on the palate. 此款雷司令干白聞之給人以清新、舒爽的感覺,同時伴有雅致果香。入口爽脆,適宜的酸度中帶有絲絲礦物質感。