sideburns['saidbə:nz]n. 鬢腳;連鬢鬍子
sideburns 連鬢鬍子;鬢腳;側須;絡腮鬍;side-whiskers sideburns 連鬢鬍子;
1.Stylist︰I want to cut off your sideburns, trim the sides and back, and make the top a bit spiky. 髮型師︰我想剪掉您的鬢腳,修剪一下兩側和後面的頭髮,然後把頭頂剪成稍微尖尖的形狀。
2.With dashing brows, sparkling eyes and a few white hairs in the sideburns, he looks very handsome just like a pulchritudinous film star. 他劍眉朗目,面如冠玉,兩鬢摻著幾根白髮,樣子標緻得有點像某個電影明星。
3.Cheerful for the most part, the gigantic figure with mutton chop sideburns brooked no argument from one patron who believed he could depart without paying. 那通常神采奕奕,留著連鬢鬍子,像巨人一樣的大個子在與一個以為他用不著花錢就可以走的人爭吵中忍無可忍。