stvabbr. 收費電視(Subscription TeleVision)
STV 永新視博;Straight to Video;Single Transferable Vote;上海電視台;STV - 吸氣節流閥;空間轉移飛行器;STV lncorprateb 並同美國戰略夥伴集團;STV Suction Throttling Valve 吸氣節流閥;STV Structure Test Vehicle 結構強度試驗飛行器;
1.On Tuesday, STV attracted only 39 per cent of the votes, and won in a small minority of ridings. 本週二,只有39%的選民支持改革,這些選民分佈在不超過半數的選區。
2.STV would virtually guarantee that no single party could achieve an overall majority at Westminster. STV能後切實保證沒有哪個政黨會在威斯敏斯特獲得絕對多數地位。
3.The project was planned and designed by STV in collaboration with Holzman Moss Architecture, both based in New York, for the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. 該項目由STV與霍爾茨曼