sublattice['sʌb,lætis]n. [數]子格;亞點陣
sublattice 亞晶格;亞點陣;子格;子晶格;magnetic sublattice 磁次晶格;磁亞點陣;sublattice magnetization 亞晶格磁化;convex sublattice 凸子格;凸子絡;complete sublattice 完全子格;
1.The authors set out from two-sublattice model, making use of the Holstein-Primakoff transformation, calculate the solitary waves of antiferromagnetic in the chain of one dimension. 作者從雙子格模型出發,利用霍斯坦因-普裡馬剋夫變換,計算了一維反鐵磁中的孤波,並得到相應的孤子解。
2.Using the inherent general-special relation between concepts in sublattice, the horizontal union algorithm of multiple concept lattices to construct the concept lattice is also presented. 最後結合子概念格中概念間固有的泛化-特化關係,提出一種多概念格的橫向合併算法來構造概念格。
3.In this paper, we show the properties of the lattice of TL-submodules over TL-subring and its sublattice. We also study the theory about the homomorphism and isomorphism between these lattices. 研究TL-子環上TL-子模形成的格及其子格的性質,給出這些格之間的同態與同構定理。