cuthbertn. 卡斯伯特(姓氏,男子名)
Cuthbert 出色;卡斯伯特;刻士伯特;庫斯伯特;Cuthbert Morkridge 卡斯伯特·默克瑞奇;Cuthbert Mockridge 喀斯八·馬疾 妖精聯絡處的處長。;Cuthbert Calculus 卡爾庫魯斯教授;Cuthbert Sebastian 卡思伯特·塞巴斯蒂安;
1.24 actress Elisha Cuthbert rounds off the top ten. 加拿大24歲的女演員伊麗莎·庫斯博特位列第10。
2.Another name that proves the theory that no one remembers who finishes in second place, even if they're hot and look like Elisha Cuthbert. 另一個名稱的理論證明,沒有人記得誰成績排在第二位,即使他們正在熱像伊麗莎庫斯博特。
3."The problem with that is that it'd be a big project, like 100 people on the staff. It's just not something we really want to do, " Cuthbert said. 問題是那將是個大項目,會有大約100人參與其中,這不是我們真正想做的。