DFCabbr. 優異飛行十字勳章(Distinguished Flying Cross)
DFC 銳比;銳比技術;面向成本的設計;Digital Fine Contrast;DFC method 折現現金流量法;DFC DistributedFeedBack 分佈式反饋;DFC DataFlowComputer 數據流計算機;DFC DiagnosticFlowChart 診斷流程圖;
1.With the frequent characteristics only, we can Judge the flying quality of a DFC aircraft easily. 利用頻域特性,可以方便地評定DFC飛機飛行品質等級。
2.DFC is optimized further by choosing the most suitable subfield combination according to gray histogram of image. 根據圖像的灰度直方圖,對各灰度級選擇合適的子場組合,可以進一步優化DFC。
3.Based on the kinds of close conditions in current fire information modernization, this paper puts forward an open mode, digital fire control, which is called DFC for short. 針對當前消防信息化建設中存在的開放性不足的問題,提出了一種開放的建設模式——數字消防。