





Environment technical requirements of machinery products for cold environment 機械產品環境技術要求 嚴寒環境用;機械產品環境技術要求 寒冷環境用;safe and comfortable social environment and school environment 安全舒適的社會環境和讀書環境;Acceptable Environment 驗收環境,容許環境;accessible environment 可接近的環境,可進入的環境;Was the artist adapts to the environment circumstances to accomplish the artist 是藝術家適應環境還是環境造就了藝術家;


1.In addition, the spacesuit is not the ordinary people to understand the environment similar to Earth's environment, but a special low-pressure environment. 除此之外,航天服內的環境並不是常人理解的近似地球環境,而是一種特殊的低壓環境。

2.The outside reason includes the change of macro social environment, medio industrial environment and micro market environment. 外部原因包括宏觀社會環境、中觀產業環境和微觀市場環境三個方面。

3.Origin of environment questions is because of mistake of human thinking, decision and behavior. Environment ethics plays a very significant role in the solutions to environment questions. 環境問題產生的根源,是人的思維、決策和行為的失誤。環境倫理在解決環境問題的過程中有重大的作用。

4.Based on theories of Space Environment Ecology, Landscape Ecology, Environment Physics, and Urban Morphology, Urban Space Environment Ecosystem is put forward firstly. 然而,如何將自然生態及環境可持續議題切實地納入到我國的城市設計實踐中,是個值得深入思考的課題。

5.Management environment including work environment, human and psychological environment. 管理環境包括工作環境、人文環境和心理環境。


We need a stable political environment in which to develop our economy. - 我們需要一個穩定政治環境來發展經濟。

Building a nuclear power plant now would not be doing the environment any favors. - 建核電站對於環境沒有什麼好處。

What will you do to help protect our environment from being seriously polluted? - 你將為幫助保護我們的環境免遭到污染做些什麼呢?

I'd like to know some information about the current investment environment in your country? - 我想瞭解一下貴國的投資環境。

because the environment that determines our evolution is no longer essentially physical. - 因為決定我們進化環境的主要方面已不再是物質。

Our environment is chiefly conditoned by the things we believe. - 我們的環境由我們信仰的東西所決定。

The most important factor in our environment is the state of our own minds. - 我們環境中最重要的因素就是我們的思想狀況。

I'd like to know some information about the current investment environment in your country? - 我想瞭解一下貴國的投資環境。


ambient temperature; environment temperature; environmental temperature - 環境溫度

environment quality - 環境質量

natural environment conservation act - 自然環境保護法


環境適應 - adaptation to environment

n.環境適應能力 - adaptive capacity to environment

n.高原環境 - altitude environment

生物環境 - biotic environment

n.細胞環境 - cellular environment

化學環境 - chemical environment

拘禁環境 - confined environment

用膳環境 - dietary environment

n.生態環境 - ecological environment

n.外界環境 - external environment

n.地理環境 - geographic environment

n.高溫環境 - hot environment

n.人類環境 - human environment

n.高壓環境 - hyperbaric environment

n.低氧環鏡 - hypoxia environment

n.無機環境 - inorganic environment

n.內部環境,內環境 - internal environment

n.離子環境 - ionic environment

生活環境 - living environment

n.自然環境 - natural environment

n.自然環境保護法 - natural environment conservation act

n.有機環境 - organic environment

n.理化環境 - physicochemical environment

n.原生環境 - primary environment

n.保護性環境,環境保護 - protective environment

n.次環境 - secondary environment

n.社會環境 - social environment

n.熱環境 - thermal environment

n.工作環境 - work environment

n.粉寺作業 - work in dusty environment

n.高溫作業 - work in hot environment

n.生產環境 - working environment

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