





sidesn. 邊;面數;台詞表(side的複數形式)


sides 台詞表;邊數;截面的段數;配餐;corresponding sides 對應邊;Round Sides 圓周邊數;Quad Sides 方形邊;take sides 偏袒;站在……一邊;支持;擁護(某方面);


1.But both sides were too angry to reach agreement. 但是雙方因過於憤怒兒難以達成協議。

2.Every story has three sides: His, hers and truth. 每一個故事都有三面:他的,她的和真相。

3.Both sides expressed their opposition to trade protectionism. 雙方都表示要反對貿易保護主義。


No, the two sides are still in conflict. - 沒有,雙方仍然有矛盾。

There are always two sides to everything. - 每件是都有兩面性。

There are always two sides to everything. - 任何事情噠都有2個方面。

There are two sides to every question. - 每個問題都有兩個方面。

After entering the narrow gap on the plateau, they climbed down the steep sides of the cave until they came to narrow corridor. - 他們從高原上的窄縫進去,順著筆直陡峭的洞壁往下爬。來到一條狹窄的走廊上。

The sides of the dish were so smooth that it was almost impossible to attach hawsers and chains to the rim without damaging it. - 盤子四邊十分光滑,要在盤邊拴上繩索或鏈條而同時又不損壞它是很難辦到的。

This time they fixed heavy metal clamps to both sides of the dish so that they could fasten the chains. - 這次,他們用沉重的金屬夾子把盤子夾住,以便往盤子上安裝鐵鏈。

Water streamed in torrents over its sides with such force that it set up a huge wave in the canal. - 波浪從盤子兩側急湧而出,在運河裡掀起一股大浪。

The path led to a tiny village perched on the steep sides of a mountain. - 順著小路,我們來到一個座落在陡峭山坡上的小村莊。

On the village green, where you pick up sides and no feeling of local patriotism is involved, it is possible to play simply for the fun and exercise: - 在鄉間的草坪上,當你隨意組成兩個隊,並且不涉及任何地方情緒時,那才可能是單純的為了娛樂和鍛煉而進行比賽。

So, ask businesses on both sides of the Atlantic, why have two lots of tests where one would do? - 因此,大西洋兩岸的企業都在問,當一套測試可以解決問題時,為什麼需要兩套呢?

Modern machines can make the copy bigger or smaller, lighter or darker and copy onto both sides of the paper. - 代機器可以放大、縮小、製作較亮的或較暗的複印件,也可以在紙的兩面複印。

The sides of the deer were coloured with a reddish-brown paint. - 鹿的四周用一種淡棕帶紅的顏色勾勒。


n. rolling method of three sides system - 三面系統輥軋法

both sides cutting mitral commissurotomy knife - 雙側割口式二類瓣分離手術

abscess on both sides of the prominentia larynges - 夾喉癰


n.夾喉癰 - abscess on both sides of the prominentia larynges

n.雙側割口式二類瓣分離手術 - both sides cutting mitral commissurotomy knife

同時支持爾性流血殼 - simultaneous symmetrical putamen bleeding of both sides

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