drugsn. 毒品,藥物
drugs 毒品;藥物;成藥;毒品 毒品;crude drugs 生藥;天然藥物;生品;essential drugs 基本藥物;基礎藥物;synthetic drugs 合成藥物;Contraceptive Drugs 避孕藥;
1.The hospital staff drugged her. 醫務人員用藥把她麻醉了。
2.Many drugs that we use to cure illness and fight disease are made from plants in the rainforests. 許多我們現在用來治療疾病及對抗病魔的藥物皆由雨林中的植物所製成。
3.OBJECTIVE:To evaluate safety, validity and rationality of the concomitant use of antibacterials and other drugs. 目的:評價抗菌藥物與其他藥物配伍使用的安全性、有效性和合理性。
Too many people take drugs to get high. - 好多人吸毒是為了得到一種快感。
two old drugs decoction - 二陳湯
powder of five drugs with poria - 五苓散
make the mineral drugs to be pure and fine - 使這些礦物類藥物純淨細膩
bolus of six drugs including rehmannia - 六味地黃丸
the drugs of cold or cool nature - 涼性藥物
cool-natured medicines; drugs cool in n - 涼藥
drugs used to remove heat from the blood - 涼血藥
make drugs into frostlike powder - 製藥
making drugs into frostlike powder - 制霜
drugs with similar functions and effects - 功效相近的藥物
get rid of salty smells of drugs in running water - 在活流水中漂去藥材的鹹味
purgation with drugs of cold nature - 寒下
drugs of a cold and cool nature - 寒涼藥物
drugs of similar characters and funchions - 性能功效相似之藥
treating cold syndrome with crugs of hot maure; treating cold syndrome with drugs of hot nature - 治寒以熱
treating heat syndrome with drugs of cold nature - 治熱以寒
drugs used to activate blood flow - 活血藥
infuing drugs in wine; infusing drugs in wine - 浸酒
relaxing the bowols with drugs of warm nature; relaxing the powels with drugs of warm nature - 溫下
expel etness-cold evil with drugs of warm nature; expelling pathogenic cold and dampness - 溫寒化濕
relaxing the bowels with drugs warm in nature - 溫開通便
drugs to be decocted and taken as a drink - 煎水代茶飲
drugs to be decocted and used as a lotion - 煎水外洗
drugs sweet in taste act on the spleen - 甘入脾
drugs sweet in flavor and cold in nature - 甘寒
antagonism; antagonism,incompatibility between two drugs; incompatibility between two drugs or antagonism - 相反
mutual restraint between two drugs; restraint between two drugs or incompatibility - 相畏
a prescription composed of drugs of equal amount - 等份
drugs are cut into slices - 藥物切成片
bitter drugs acting on the heart - 苦入心
tonic drugs are used to treat deficiency syndrome - 補可扶弱
drugs pungent in flavor and cool in property - 辛涼
pungent drugs for dispersion - 辛開
drugs pungent in flavor and warm in property - 辛溫
drugs for removing nebula - 退翳明目藥
incompatibility; incompatibility of drugs in a prescription; incompatible - 配伍禁忌
sour and sweet drugs can nourish yin - 酸甘化陰
n.等份 - a prescription composed of drugs of equal amount
n.戒毒 - abstinence of drugs
食慾低下藥 - anorectic drugs
n.相反 - antagonism,incompatibility between two drugs
n.抗膽鹼藥 - anti-cholin drugs
n.抗麻風藥 - anti-leprosy drugs
n.抗腎上腺藥 - antiadrenergic drugs
n.抗心絞痛藥 - antianginal drugs
n.抗焦慮藥 - antianxiety drugs
n.抗心律失常藥 - antiarrhythic drugs
n.抗癌藥 - anticancer drugs
n.抗凝血藥 - anticoagulant drugs
n.抗抑鬱藥 - antidepressive drugs
n.抗高血脂藥 - antihyperlipoproteinemic drugs
n.抗高血壓藥 - antihypertensive drugs
n.抗躁狂藥 - antimanic drugs
n.抗帕金森氏病藥,抗震顫麻痺藥 - antiparkinsonism drugs
n.抗精神分裂症藥 - antischizophrenic drugs
抗感覺藥 - antisense drugs
n.抗孢子增殖藥 - antisporogonic drugs
n.抗結核藥 - antituberculosis drugs
n.植物神經藥,植物神經藥物 - autonomic drugs
n.生物活性藥物 - biologically active drugs
n.苦入心 - bitter drugs acting on the heart
n.六味地黃丸 - bolus of six drugs including rehmannia
n.植物藥品 - botanical drugs
兩劑 - both drugs
n.防齲藥物 - caries-preventing drugs
n.藥物證明書 - certification of drugs
n.性味功能 - characteristic and action of drugs
n.髮色藥物 - chromophoric drugs
n.宜忌 - compatibility and incompatibility of drugs
n.藥物避孕 - contraception by drugs
n.生藥 - crude drugs
n.四君子湯 - decoction of four noble drugs
n.三拗湯 - decoction of three rude drugs
n.管理毒品法令 - decree of management of narcotic drugs
n.煉藥 - distilling drugs
n.箍圍藥 - encircling drugs
n.甘寒滋潤 - enrich and moisten with sweet and cold drugs
n.溫寒化濕 - expel etness-cold evil with drugs of warm nature
n.大毒 - extremely posionous drugs
n.劑型 - form of prepared drugs
n.四氣 - four natures of drugs
n.在活流水中漂去藥材的鹹味 - get rid of salty smells of drugs in running water
n.調和藥性 - harmonize the property of different drugs
n.清熱解毒藥 - heat-clearing sand detoxifying drugs
n.免疫調節藥 - immunomodulating drugs
n.免疫增強藥 - immunopotentiating drugs
n.相反 - incompatibility between two drugs