v. bring in ,gain ,garner ,make
EARN[ə:n]vt. 賺,賺得;獲得,掙得;使得到;博得
earn 獲得,賺取;賺得;掙得;賺得,掙得;EARN EuropeanAcademicResearchNetwork 歐洲學術科研網;earn money 賺錢;掙錢;利用愛美之心賺錢;賺錢,猙錢;earn rate 媒體折扣價;earn troBayrs 短褲;
1.He received more than he has earned. 他得到超過應得的報酬。
2.Learn to earn 學習去賺錢…然後…賺錢來學習。
3.Schools invest the money to earn more. 學校投資這些錢去獲得更多。
Everything I earn helps us towards getting that house - 我的每一筆進帳都可幫助我們得到那幢房子
If his plan works, he'll earn 100 million in 10 years. - 如果按照他的計劃做,十年就能掙到一億元了。
He will always be a slave who knows not how to earn and save. - 不懂掙錢和積財,只能永遠當奴才。
in order that an individual or a group of individuals may earn as much money as possible. - 為的是讓某個個人或某一部分人盡可能多地賺錢。
for it is then almost ready to undertake heavy work and can begin to earn its keep straight away. - 這個年齡的象差不多已能幹重活,可以很快掙回飼養它的開支。
Dad, when you sent me to Paris to see if I could really earn a living as a painter. - 爸爸,你把我送去巴黎,想看看我是否真正能以繪畫謀生。
For one thing, when you earn money, you will not have to keep on asking your parents for money. - 首先,當自己掙了錢,你就用不著老向父母要錢了。