eschewing[is'tʃu:]vt. 避免;避開;遠避
1.In the meantime, foreign central banks are eschewing government agency debt in favour of US Treasury paper. 與此同時,外國央行紛紛迴避政府機構債券,轉而青睞美國國債。
2.Eschewing the usual convoluted language of Marxist debates, he provides a gripping account of communism's intellectual origins, pedigree and impact. 避開了對馬克思主義爭論的傳統迂迴用語,他用生動的筆觸寫出共產主義的理論起源、血統和影響。
3.By eschewing even basic environmental safeguards, they stand out as polluters even in an industry that is one of China's leading sources of emissions, officials say. 官員們稱,因不願採取哪怕是最基本的環保措施,他們即使在中國污染物排放相當嚴重的電力行業也是污染大戶。