n. guerilla ,guerrilla ,insurgent ,seconda. atypical ,maverick ,temporary ,unpredictable
a. regular
irregular[i'reɡjulə]n. 不規則物;不合規格的產品adj. 不規則的;無規律的;非正規的;不合法的
irregular 不規則的,無規律;不規則的;不規則;不規則的,不整齊的;irregular verb 不規則動詞; 不 規 則 動 詞;不規則動詞: 主要用語現在和過去完成時態、被動語態;irregular joint 不規則合模面;不規則接頭;Irregular traverse 絡交不正;irregular soldier 非常規士兵;
1.About the vagina irregular bleed! 關於陰道不規則流血!
2.Irregular window, from a bitmap read. And to provide a base class. 不規則窗口,從一個位圖中讀。並提供一個基類。
3.To be is an irregular verb in all languages, but always regular is the verb to love. 在所有的語言中,「是」總是一個不規則動詞,而「愛」則永遠是一個規則動詞。
and that their commissariat had no organization, but depended on irregular raids. - 他們的軍需供應處於無組織狀態,只是靠臨時搶奪來維持。
irregular articulation - 不整性動關節
allrrhythmic pulse; irregular pulse - 不整脈
irregular astigmatism - 不正散光
at irregular intervals - 不定期地
irregular isohemagglutinin - 不規則同族血細胞凝集素
irregular type - 不規則型
irregular endometrorrhagia; irregular metrorrhagia; irregular uterine bleeding - 不規則子宮出血
irregular porosity - 不規則孔率
n. drawing of irregular shape - 不規則形拉拔
n. drawing of irregular shape - 不規則形狀拉伸
irregular astigmatism - 不規則散光
irregular dominance - 不規則顯性
irregular fever - 不規則熱
irregular malaria; malaria irregularis - 不規則瘧
n. irregular powder - 不規則粉
irregular structure - 不規則結構
arrhythmic pulse; irregular pulse - 不規則脈
irregular dense fiborus connective tissue - 不規則緻密纖維結締組織
irregular intermmittent malaria - 不規則間歇瘧
irregular labor pain - 不規則陣痛
n. irregular color - 不規則顏色
irregular ripening of endometrium - 子宮內膜不規則成熟
irregular shedding of endometrium - 子宮內膜不規則脫落
irregular emotin - 情志失調
short irregular pulse - 無規則性短脈衝
climateric irregular menstruation - 更年期月經不調
irregular menses; irregular menstruation - 月經不規則
absence of menstruation; irregular menses; irregular menstruation; menoxenia - 月經不調
irregular menstrual period - 經水先後無定期
irregular menstrual period - 經行先後無定期
knotted pulse; slow pulse with irregular intervals - 結脈
absolute irregular pulse - 絕對不整脈
irregular pulse in rhythm - 脈跳動節律不齊
irregular filling of appendix - 闌尾充盈不規則
confused running pulse; rapid and irregular pulse - 麻促脈
n.絕對不整脈 - absolute irregular pulse
n.不定期地 - at irregular intervals
n.更年期月經不調 - climateric irregular menstruation
絕對不規則脈 - perpetual irregular pulse
n.麻促脈 - rapid and irregular pulse
n.無規則性短脈衝 - short irregular pulse
n.結脈 - slow pulse with irregular intervals