OCRabbr. 光學字符識別(Optical Character Recognition);光學字符閱讀器(Optical Character Reader)
OCR 光學字符識別;文字識別;Optical Character Recognition;識別;YY OCR 外掛中文;OCR character 光學字符辨識字符;光學字元辨識字元;OCR software OCR工具;Video OCR 視頻文字識別;
1.A term used with respect to graphic character to identify type or style(" bold face", " an OCR face" ). 一種關於圖形字符的術語,用以確定其類型或字體,如黑體、光學字符體。
2.In OCR, the marks caused by the bottom of the upper case character while typing in lower case, or vice versa. 在光符閱讀器(ocr)中,當在下檔(小寫)打字時,由上檔(大寫)字符的底產生的標記,或相反。
3.The same OCR techniques that are used for scanning a document could find all the text in the images and feed it to a machine-learning filter. 目前掃瞄文件用的光學文字辨識技術,可找出影像裡的所有文字,再把文字輸入機器學習過濾器。