n. promptness
promptitude['prɔmptitju:d]n. 敏捷,迅速;機敏
promptitude 敏捷;靈敏;果斷;迅速;promptitude time constant 速動時間常數;celerity smartness agility promptitude promptness 敏捷;
1.we shall proceed accordingly as we are anxious to effect the import with promptitude. 我們將繼續進行,因此我們盼望盡快的落實進口相關的事宜。
2.I assure you that it shall be my endeavor to act with promptitude and efficiency, as well as with a due regard to economy, in all the matters entrusted to my care. 我保證,對受托的所有事項,將予以迅速、高效地完成,並盡量節省開支。
3.I a ure you that it shall be my endeavour to act with promptitude and efficiency, as well as with a due regard to economy, in all the matters entrusted to my care. 我保證,對所賦與的所有事項,將予以迅速、有效地完成,並盡量節省開支。