n. cachexy ,wasting
cachexia[kə'keksiə]n. [醫]惡病質;精神萎頓
cachexia 惡病質;惡病質, 惡液質;衰弱期;惡病體質;cancer cachexia 惡病質;cachexia suprarenalis 釋義:腎上腺性惡病質,阿狄森病;lymphatic cachexia 釋義:淋巴性惡病質;hypopituitary cachexia 垂體功能減退性惡病質;
1.Objective: To summarize the experience of preoperative treatment in patients with cardiac valvula disease with cardiac cachexia. 目的:總結心臟惡液質瓣膜患者的圍手術期治療經驗。
2.Objective To review the experience of perioperative and surgical treatment of the rheumatic valvular heart disease with cardiac cachexia. 目的總結風濕性心臟瓣膜病合併心源性惡液質病人的圍手術期治療經驗。
3.The progressive loss of skeletal muscle protein observed in cancer cachexia may have a negative impact on both the quality of life and the survival time of patients. 癌性惡病質病人骨骼肌蛋白的大量丟失,可降低病人生存質量,縮短生存時間。
cachexia virginum; chlorosis - 處女惡病質
briegers cachexia reaction - 布裡格氏惡病質反應
cachexia reaction - 惡病質反應
cachexia thyreoidectomica; cachexia thyreopriva - 甲狀腺切除後惡病質
cachexia thyeoidectomica; cachexya strumipriva - 甲狀腺切除後粘液性水腫
cachexia saturnina - 鉛毒惡病質
n.布裡格氏惡病質反應 - briegers cachexia reaction
癌惡液質 - cancer cachexia
n.癌性惡病質 - cancerous cachexia
n.失榮 - cervical carcinoma with cachexia
n.垂體性惡病質 - hypophyseal cachexia
n.西蒙茲氏病 - hypophysial cachexia
n.垂體功能減退性惡病質 - hypopituitary cachexia
n.淋巴性惡病質 - lymphatic cachexia
瘧疾惡病質 - malarial cachexia
n.垂體性惡病質,西蒙茲氏病 - pituitary cachexia
脾性惡病質 - splenic cachexia